【已完結】寵物鮮食料理烹飪班 - 端午粽 Dragonboat Festival Zongzi for Furkids Workshop
- Free shipping upon $300
- In stock, ready to ship
- Inventory on the way
Petisan x Captain and his squad
端午節將至,當然都少不了同毛孩一起慶祝!呢次Captain同媽媽Christy都準備咗健康嘅鮮食料理,等大家可以喺 Petisan 同毛孩一齊自製寵物端午粽,開心過傳統節日。
端午粽肉類選擇有 雞肉/牛肉/三文魚
Let’s prepare Zongzi for our dogs and cats! This workshop is perfect for pet owners to celebrate Dragonboat Festival with their furry kids. We use only human-grade nutritious ingredients from safe and reliable sources. Come and join us for a fun cooking class!
Protein options for Pet Zongzi include Chicken / Beef / Salmon, if your pet has food allergy / requires special diet, please let us know after signing up.
*Upon completion of the class, participants will be taking 4 Zongzi home or to enjoy on-site.
⏰ 活動日期及時間 Workshop schedule:
6月10日 Jun 10th(Sat)
- 場次 Session A:13:00-15:00
- 場次 Session B:16:00-18:00
6月11日 Jun 11th(Sun)
- 場次 Session A:13:00-15:00
- 場次 Session B:16:00-18:00
📍 活動地點 Workshop Venue:
荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠115號鋪 Petisan
Shop 115, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan
🔢 活動名額 Capacity Limit:
5 groups for each session
🗣 語言 Language:
Cantonese with some English if needed
💲活動費用 Participation Fee:
$488 / 每組(包含煮食材料、器皿使用)每組最多2人1狗。
$488 / group (includes ingredients and usage for equipment). Each group can have 2 people (max) and 1 dog.
All participating groups will receive a $20 Cash Voucher to be used in Petisan the Mills store.
如有任何查詢,閣下可以發電郵到hello@petisan.com.hk或以WhatsApp +852 59895907聯絡。
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out via email hello@petisan.com.hk or WhatsApp to +852 59895907。
***成功報名並付款後,如因個人問題而未能出席,活動費用將不設退款,且無法改期,請確認後再進行付款,謝謝!如有任何爭議,Petisan HK保留最終之決定權。
All right reserved by Petisan HK.
Free & fast delivery to your doorstep for order above HK$300*.
For orders less than HKD$300, HKD$30 standard shipping fee will be charged at checkout.
*For frozen pet food, order at least 2 boxes to enjoy free delivery.